Autodial immediately connects you to a customer service representative on the phone without waiting for a callback or waiting on hold at over 10,000+ businesses.
- Unlimited usage
- Connect immediately
- No waiting on hold
- No waiting for a callback
- Premium Number Discount
Membership Renews for $30 Annually
Join Autodial Membership:
- Membership Lasts for 365 Days
- Unlimited usage
- Priority in queue
- No waiting on hold
- Works for 10,000+ Business Numbers
- 80% off Premium Numbers
"Skip Waiting On Hold"
Autodial collects call information for National Visa Center and 10,000+ other businesses in real time and provide common data people inquire about.
Autodial is a priority call queue service that connects you directly to service agents on the phone without waiting. Autodial is NOT a call directory, call forwarding, or recording service..
Our goal is to connect you within 5-10 minutes, however it can take longer depending on demand